Programme A - Vehicle Acoustic Testing & Automotive Audio.

Microphones for Aeroacoustics Vehicle Testing Applications

Aeroacoustics is a branch of acoustics that studies noise generation via turbulent fluid motion or aerodynamic forces interacting with surfaces. It is important in the design of vehicles, such as cars or trains, to minimize vibrations, noise, and improve their aerodynamic characteristics. Measurement microphones are common tools used within this application and can measure two sources of pressure fluctuations, which are crucial in aeroacoustics: boundary layer and acoustic pressure fluctuations. The objective of this workshop is to showcase all GRAS solutions intended for acoustical measurements in airflow and to understand the differences between various designs and their correct usage through practical demonstrations.

Mastering A2B Automotive Audio Testing with Audio Precision

This dynamic workshop will explore A2B automotive audio testing. Developed by Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), A2B technology is now a cornerstone for major automotive manufacturers and Audio Precision has crafted an advanced A2B audio testing solution.

In this session, we'll guide you through configuring an A2B network for testing A2B-enabled devices using Audio Precision analysers and ADI's A2B Analyser. Demonstrating with ADI evaluation boards, we'll showcase the process for measuring automotive audio applications.

Focused on test setup and connectivity, you'll learn to establish the A2B network efficiently. Live demonstrations using the APx500 software will illustrate various audio measurements, empowering you to conduct thorough automotive audio testing.

NOTE: *A2B and Automotive Audio Bus are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc.

In-Vehicle Acoustic Test According to AES TC-AA Recommendations

The objective of this workshop is to showcase comprehensive measurement solutions offered by GRAS and Audio Precision, aligning with AES recommendations for In-car Acoustic measurements that describes a procedure for measuring the essential attributes of the car´s audio system. Central to these solutions is the GRAS RA0399 6-microphone array, equipped with the latest ¼” high-sensitivity microphones from GRAS. The GRAS front end will be connected to the multichannel audio analyser by Audio Precision. The ensuing data will be acquired and analysed using the powerful APx500 software. Participants in this workshop will gain insights into the straightforward setup of in-car measurements using the combined capabilities of GRAS and AP solutions. Our discussions will span various test setups, ranging from simplified to more complex configurations, all geared towards meeting AES recommendations.

We will delve into the critical aspect of selecting the appropriate measurement microphone for these tests, exploring how the microphone choice influences the sound field within the car and methods to mitigate measurement uncertainties effectively.

To bring theory into practice, a comprehensive test demonstration will be conducted, illustrating the automation of the entire testing process through the utilisation of Audio Precision's software. This workshop aims to empower attendees with practical knowledge and skills essential for successful and accurate in-car acoustic measurements.